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Map of US with 5 JIT States CA NV OH KY PA

The Just in Time Training Network provides online training and resources for foster parents, kinship and other caregivers. We contract with several state and county agencies so they can offer this resource at NO COST to families in their area. 

Our training provides caregivers with information from experts across the country to ensure they can provide the best care to children in their homes.  Topics include Child Trauma, Managing Behaviors, Caring for Teens, Human Trafficking and more.  Post-assessments are included so caregivers can earn certificates for re-licensure or other requirements.

We work closely with each JIT Network site lead to ensure their website contains information and resources that are important to their system of care. Websites can include policy documents, information pertaining to local resources, calendars, and event announcements. 

Most importantly, we respond to the needs of Network members to identify training and resources that are important to them.

Interested in joining the JIT Network? Email us at JITSupport@usf.edu.
We want to serve and support you and your caregivers!